People we’ve met so far
OMG – Oh M. Grace(Often referred as Grace).
GG – Gus Guesser (is a young detective).
AA – Ashley Asker.
ER – Ever Reddy the Everready.
CC – Carl Complainer.
SS – Sarah Streams(the photographer/Streamer).
SH – Harry Stylin aka Stylish Harry.
LL – Leroy Joeken aka Literal Leroy
MAMA – Massively Abundant Mohammad Ali
RV – Veer Varun aka Run-Veer Varun
NS – Neha Sing or as many call her, Neha SingSong.
OO – Orion Alnoin aka Omniscient Orion
Previously on the Students Of FU
“Welcome dear principal and prized students of The FU.” A voice echoed through the room.
They looked up to see a masked person on the screen.
“Welcome to my domain. Hope you are ready to live here for the rest of your lives.”
Now we continue…
Principal Lord.
“I’m guessing all 13 of us were kidnapped in our sleep.” GG said.
“Which was pretty obvious, thank you very much.” LL said standing up.
“Come on, we have exams the day after tomorrow.” CC said.
“If you want you can ask the principal here.” SH said.
“Um, hello?” The voice said.
“Oh yeah. Hey princi, do we get a pass when we get out of here?” AA asked.
“Who are you by the way?” MAMA asked.
“I am V3. And you are here to be my slaves to take over this world.”
“Let me guess.” GG said. “You kidnapped the 13 of us for specific reasons. As we all have different fields of study that are all useful to you.”
“That’s- I mean. Good job guessing all that.”
“What do you mean?” ER asked.
“Oh. M. Grace, final 6th year, field – Artificial intelligence.
Gus Guesser, final 6th year, field – Language.
Ashley Asker, final 6th year, field – Journalism.
Ever Reddy, final 6th year, field – Robotics.
Carl Complainer, final 6th year, field – Engineering.
Sarah Streams, Graduate, field – Photo-Videography.
Harry Stylin, final 6th year, field – Design.
Leroy Joeken, final 6th year, field – Law.
Mohammad Ali, final 6th year, field – Astronomy.
Veer Varun, 5th year, field – Sports.
Neha Sing, 5th year, field – Psychology.
Orion Alnoin, 1st year, field – Data Analysis.”
“You know who all of us are?” RV asked.
“And finally, the principal, Oh. M. Lord.”
“WHAT?” Everyone except OMG and GG yelled.
“No. Grandfather. My father died with my mother long ago.” OMG said.
“Then what does the M. stand for?” Ashley asked.
“Mai.” OMG said.
“Oh my lord.” Sarah said.
“That’s me.” The principal finally spoke.
“Hello, excuse me. Kidnapper speaking.”
“Shut up.” Everyone said.
“I’ll show you.” The voice said as the door to the room opened.
A group of people entered the room.
“Okay everyone I have a plan. Are you all ready?” The principal said.
“If we don’t have to write exams for the rest of the year then sure.” Harry said.
“You’ll all graduate if you all listen to me.” The principal said.
“Is it one of your bizarre ideas again?” OMG said.
“Come on my little jellybean. Just once give your grandpa a chance.” The principal said.
OMG sighed as the group of people surrounded them.
“Fine. If we all survive, then I’ll maybe let you off the hook.”
“That’s all I needed.”
The principal turned to face forward.
“What are we, power range-” OMG said.
“Ready.” Gus said.
Everyone else looked at eachother and smiled.
“Ready sir.” They said.
“GG, it’s up to you.”
“Got it sir.”
GG walked forward and took a deep breath.
“YOU.” He said pointing at one of the several people surrounding them.
“You have 5 children.”
“5 children, 2 girls, 3 boys. You are divorced and your wife took all the money.”
The man stood there awestruck as GG basically told him what he knew about his family.
“How does he-” RV asked OMG.
“His guessing ability is out of this world.” OMG said.
“You little-” another guy said as he walked forward.
“Your mother is in a coma. And your wife is cheating on you with your little brother.” GG said immediately turning to face him.
“How do-”
“Your bank balance is 5. And you need money right?”
“He’s basically guessing all their backstories.” SS said.
“And you, you don’t really have anything to do right?” GG said pointing at another guy.
“Just take them down. None of them are minors.” The voice said.
“ER, it’s your turn.” The principal said.
“Got it.” ER said, pulling out a giant speaker.
“What do we do with this?”
“NS and MAMA your turns.”
NS shrugged as the mic was given to her.
“Here, say my name.” MAMA said, pulling out a card.
NS saw the name and knew what to do. She took a deep breath and started reading the name. MAMA’s name was long enough to make the ground shake due to the volume of the speaker. Her melodious voice made that name have a rhythm to it and basically made it into a loud song that was enough to cause earthquakes due to the speaker. This was a Singquake.
“OO, your turn.” The principal said.
“Got it.”
An imaginary book opened infront of Orion as they left the room. The hallway outside was a maze. But it was just a little walk with Orion. He simply walked around with the puzzles being of no issue to him. And finally they got out of the maze.
“Okay that’s it.”
They all turned to see RV running from all the people who were thrown back due to the singquake. NS sighed and facepalmed. They all moved to the side as RV ran with about a dozen people behind him. They basically shook the ground and tore through walls as they ran behind him.
“I guess there’s more.” GG said.
“Of course there is. ER give me a few parts.” CC said.
“Got it.”
ER pulled out a random assortment of parts.
“What can we make from them?” CC mumbled.
“You know if we do this then we’ll all have a long cycle.” SH said.
“Oh yeah. Good idea.”
They all looked up to see a large number of space rocks on fire coming towards RV.
RV understood his mission and ran straight back into the building. The meteor shower followed. It crashed into the building and what was a place where they all were held captive was now a collection of rocks. And out of the smoke, RV ran, followed by a group of lawyers.
“WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE?” RV screamed as he ran back the group.
“You all are under arrest for trespassing and destruction of private property.”
“OBJECTION.” LL yelled walking forward.
“How does that work?” AA asked.
“OMG I found the source of the Voice.” SS said using her camera.
OMG ran towards wear SS pointed with AA and they reached a secluded room with one computer there.
“It’s an AI.” OMG said.
“Oh now what do we do?” AA asked.
“Well you try to ask it questions and I’ll do my thing.”
They both nodded and got to work. AA took a deep breath and started asking questions at top speed and as they popped in her head.
“What’s your name?”
“V3” the AI replied.
“What’s the meaning of life?”
“To live and then die.”
“What’s the reason you kidnapped us?”
“My master told me to.”
“Who made you?”
“Who’s that?”
“I’m V3.”
“What’s the weather?”
“Cloudy with the chance of Meteor showers.”
“What’s the year?”
“Is the world flat or round?”
The Ai started blaring the violin as it started to flick through the 13 photos of the people here and then shut down, freezing on Sarah’s photo before fading to black.
“Took you long enough.”
“The thing was so badly made that it was harder to find the core than win against it in a code battle.” OMG said sighing.
“Either way it’s over now.”
“How did the Genre of this story shift so drastically?”
Act 4 – The Dramatic Shift.
Interlude – 4
“Oh Mai Grace.”
OMG came up on the stage and took her degree.
“Gus Guesser.”
GG came up on the Stage and took his degree.
“Ashley Asker. “
AA came up on the Stage and took her degree.
“Ever Reddy.”
ER came up on the Stage and took his degree.
“Carl Complainer.”
CC came up on the Stage and took his degree.
“Harry Stylin.”
SH came up on the Stage and took his degree.
“Leroy Joeken.”
LLcame up on the stage and took his degree.
Then the principal looked at the next name. He then took a deep breath.
“Mohammad Yousuf Farooq Abdullah Tanzeem Habib Kabir Wajib Rafiq Haroon Iman Owais Abbas Bilal Danyal Faizan Haider Imran Javed Kamran Mehboob Nouman Rashid Zubair Shahid Parvez Tahir Qabil Chand Xafar Ubaidah Labhan Badr Faraz Elias Vasi Idris Asad Maheer Nigar Jabez Asif Tausif Wiqar Zeeshan Najeeb Yahya Maaz Umar Bakr Haris Ghaffar Pasha Chirag Aamir Saif Rameez Ilyas Dilbar Tanveer Ehsan Vasim Latif Fahad Jalal Othman Kareem Qazi Zaid Ali.”
MAMA came up on the Stage and took his degree which was a custom extra large degree with all 70 names.
“Veer Varun.”
RV came up on the Stage and took his degree.
“Neha Sing.”
NS came up on the Stage and took her degree.
“Aren’t they 5th years?”
“Orion Alnoin.”
OO came up on the Stage and took his degree.
“And that’s a 1st year. What’s going on?”
“They helped take down an AI revolution.”
That was the weird graduation ceremony of Freck University in the year 2000.
The students who graduated went on to do great things.
Grace became a pioneer in AI studies.
Gus became a master detective and solved numerous cases.
Ashley became an on-field reporter who did not budge in the face of power and only reported the truth.
Ever became a robotics manufacturer, building robots that could move mountains and help with natural calamities.
Carl became an engineer who worked diligently even though he complained a bit.
Harry became the leading designer in the world and his designs range from weapons to cars to buildings.
Leroy became a lawyer who shook the judiciaries of many cities to the core and revamped them.
Mohammad became an astronaut and discovered the barrier around the world that prevent anyone from leaving the world.
Veer became a sports star who broke records like it was nothing.
Neha became a psychiatrist who comforted people with her melodious voice even if she was telling them the cold truth.
Orion became a teacher but sometimes helped with Grace’s and Ever’s works.
Sarah remained the photographer for the FU.
Grace and Harry dated for a few months until they split up due to them going seperate ways. They still keep in touch.
Gus married Sarah 2 years after graduation. Gus gave her a ring with the letter G on it while Sarah did the same with an S on his ring.
Veer and Neha married a year after graduation.
Leroy met a lady lawyer who basically gave him the toughest cae fight he had. They married 3 years soon after.
Orion and Grace worked together for 3 years and then married eachother after a successful result to their work.
Carl and Ashley bet on marrying each other if both of them were single for 10 years. Their bet never settled.
Ever met a woman and married.
Harry found a woman who
made fun of his designs. They both kept bickering for a year and a half until they both ended up marrying. Even they both don’t know how that happened but have finally made peace with eachother.
Mohammad stayed single.
That’s all the news I have about all of them up until the year 2020.
Unfortunately none of them are alive anymore.
Except 1.
The One Who Killed Them.