“Wait for me” shouted a young boy, cycling as fast as he could. He was trying to catch up to
his friends who were way ahead of him. The little boy’s name was Milo and he was 13 years
old. He had curly hair and dark brown eyes which were covered with square rimmed
glasses. Currently he was running late for his school.
“Hurry up Milo, if we’ll be late for school ,then it’ll be your fault!”, said Peter, Milo’s friend and
classmate. They both had been friends for as long as they could remember. Both of their families were neighbours.
“Don’t be cross, I’ll be on time from tomorrow, I promise!”, huffed Milo, finally catching up to Peter. However both of them knew that this promise wouldn’t last long as Milo had a habit of
running late. Both of them, hastened trying to reach school before the bell rang for the first
They were cycling on the main road when suddenly two cats appeared in front of their way.
Milo had to make an abrupt halt so as to not hurt the cats. However due to this he fell straight to the ground. Peter stopped and hopped off of his bicycle running to help his friend.
But before he could reach Milo, Milo had already gotten up. Milo went to check on the cats.
Besides looking disheveled and dirty, the cats looked fine. Upon closer inspection, they
noticed that one of them was a kitten and it was wearing a jewel studded collar. The kitten
had white fur with grey spots all over its body. The cat looked old and white completely white
in colour.
A Milo, bent down to pet the kitten half expecting for it to be scared or hiss at him but
surprisingly it didn’t. The kitten was actually very friendly. The big white cat, however, was
looking at Milo attentively, as if waiting to attack him. The big white cat looked at Milo and
then back at the kitten.
“Dude, now we are definitely late! There’s no way that Mr. Boris will let us in the class. Milo,
get up already!” Peter shouted.
Milo looked at his watch and sighed,
lesson must have already started by now.
Do you think we should take this kitten with us?”
“it’s already half past nine. It’s no use to even try. First
“What, are you sure? Is aunty gonna let this kitten inside the house?”
“I’m not sure about that but we cannot leave it here. It’s too small and could get hurt.”,
said Milo. Just as Milo had said this, the kitten walked close to Milo and rubbed his head on
Milo’s shoes and began purring.
At the end they both decided to take that kitten with them. Milo kept the kitten in the front
basket of his bicycle. They both started to walk home…
The Sanders Neighbourhood was covered with coconut trees and other green bushes. The
buildings were quite different in sizes and colours. One could see the clothes hanging in the
garden of most houses during the daytime. This area had a pleasant climate for the most
part. Milo and Peter lived in this neighborhood.
Their houses were directly opposite to each other with a long winding road separating the
Currently Milo and Peter could be seen walking up to their houses with their hands on their
bike’s handle. The little kitten was peeking from the basket. It did not seem frightened at all.
When they finally reached home Milo took a deep breath. Until now, he was really confident
that he would persuade his mom to keep the kitten but now that he was actually at home, he
felt his confidence lowering.
“Milo, why have you stopped there, come on we did to inform your mother” Peter urged Milo.
“I don’t know Peter, maybe you were right. What if mom says no? We even skipped school
today, what if she gets angry?”
“Peter, I was thinking that maybe we can keep this cat in your house for a while…?” Milo
blurted out hesitantly.”
“What, absolutely not! You should have thought this before, now you’ve brought the kitten
here, so it’s your responsibility!”
“Okay fine but atleast back me up when I speak to mom” said Milo as they were entering
Milo’s house.
Peter nodded while pushing Milo in front. They both kept their school on the couch and went
straight to the kitchen where Milo’s mom was.
“Good morning Mrs. Barron.” Said Peter
“Hello Peter!” Mrs Barron hummed in response.
“Umm, mom I found this kitten on the road. It does not have a home, can we keep it?” Milo
asked his mom who was cooking at the moment.
She seemed as if she was too engrossed in cooking.
to where you picked it from.”
“No, we can’t keep it, now leave it back
“But mom, it’s abandoned, it looks so scared”
The kitten meowed on cue, as if trying to help Milo convince his mom.
His mom turned around to face him.
“I don’t want to hear a word, keep it outside!” She said sternly. She was about to turn back
but then she stopped.
“Milo, what are you doing here, weren’t you supposed to be in school right now?”
“Yes, mom about that… umm actually, Peter and I…”
“So you’re telling me that you missed school to save this kitten who is not even hurt from
what I can see?” Mrs, Barron fumed
“ Mom did not skip school, we were already late and there was no point in going as the
teacher wouldn’t allow us to attend class anyways.”
“You wouldn’t be late if you just went to school instead of being an animal rescuer.”
“Mom, I did not do this purpose. The kitten and his mom just jumped in the middle of the
road, so we had to stop!”
“Yes, Mrs. Barron, besides we were already late before the cat incident.” Peter chimed in.
“ Peter you don’t have to defend him and besides have you informed your mother that you
skipped school today?”
“Umm, I was about to. I’ll get going now.
looking at him apologetically and left.
“Peter chuckled sheepishly. He patted Milo’s back
Now with Peter not there to second him, Milo felt very alone staring up at his angry mom.
She just did not seem to understand. So both Mrs. Barron and Milo continued arguing
whether or not they should keep the kitten but they suddenly stopped because the kitten
jumped from Milo’s arm to the floor. Then he went straight towards Mrs. Barron was standing
and started meowing at her.
“See mom, even the kitten is asking you to keep him! Please say yes!”
“ No, we can’t keep it here. I don’t have time to clean after this kitten and I don’t like cats!”
Right after she said that, the kitten started circling around her and started to rub his head on
Mrs. Barron’s ankles.
“Get this thing off of me at this instant!” Mrs. Barron screamed.
“I think he likes you mom!” Milo chuckled while picking up the small kitten.
“My answer won’t change, Milo! Put it back now!”
The kitten once again jumped from Milo’s arms and started circling around Mrs. Barron. This
time he started purring while snuggling around her feet.
“What is wrong with this kitten?” Mrs. Barron said.
“Mom please, look at it it’s so small and it does even have a mother”
“Okay fine, you can keep him, but expect me to do anything. You have to take care of him
and feed him”
“Yayyy, thanks mom, you’re the best mom ever!”
“Now now, don’t get too excited, if the kitten proves to be a trouble then I’ll have to leave, are
we clear?”
“ofcourse, thank you!” Milo hugged his mom and the kitten snuggled her feet once again.
“Okay, now get this kitten away from me” Mrs. Barron said.
“Okay, by the way, mom, do we have anything to give to the kitten? It must be hungry.”
“ You go keep your bag in your room and take this kitten with you. I’ll prepare something for him”
Milo nodded and took off to his room with the kitten. He kept his bag and changed from his
school uniform to his house clothes. The kitten was in bed sniffing things. Milo then took the
kitten back to the kitchen.
“Oh here already, there I have kept a bowl with left over meat from last night’s dinner. Feed
him that.” said Mrs. Barron while cooking.
“Do you know if it’s male or female?”
“I don’t know that yet, he looks like a boy to me,” said Milo.
“How can you tell? You better take him to the vet, they’ll tell you and get him vaccinated.”
“Okay mom.”
The moment the kitten saw the food, it ran towards it and started eating. It seemed really
“I must be really hungry,” Milo smiled.
His mom turned around to look as well. She too couldn’t stop herself from aweing at the sight
of the kitten eating.
“Have you decided on a name for the kitten?”
“Ohh, I totally forgot about that, I was mostly worried if you would allow me to keep it or not,
ha ha” exclaimed Mio.
“How about Spotty? Since he has a few grey spots on his body.”
“I don’t mind. You can name him Spotty I guess”
“Alright. From today I will call you Spotty!” Milo said while watching Spotty eat.
“Welcome to the family, Spotty! Please don’t create any trouble.” Mrs. Barron chimed in.
So this way, Spotty became a part of the Barron family. Milo and Spotty bit it off really
quickly. Spotty was an Excellent pet. Everyone always said that it seemed as if Spotty could
understand what they were saying. Even Mrs. Barron grew fond of Spotty. Spotty liked her
as well, it even seemed as if Mrs. Barron was Spotty’s favourite member.
Peter often came to their house to play with Spotty. Spotty became an instant celebrity among the family members.
One day Peter came to play with Milo. Both of them went to the backyard to play. Spotty tagged along with them.
“Hi Spotty” Peter patted Spotty’s head and Spotty purred in response.
“Do you want to play with us?” He playfully asked Spotty.
Spotty nodded his head. Peter was shocked.
“You know sometimes it really seems as if he can understand human language.” Peter told Milo.
“Yeah, I’ve noticed it too. Mom and dad say the same. Maybe he’s more intelligent than
normal cats or his previous owners trained him.”
“Yeah that would make sense but it’s impressive honestly.”
They soon began to play. Spotty was wandering near the garden area in the corner ,sniffing
flowers. A few hours passed by.
Peter decided he should head back so both Milo and Peter went back into the house. Spotty remained in the backyard.
“Okay bye Milo. And please don’t be late for school tomorrow. We have our exam.”
“Yeah yeah I won’t. Bye!”
With this Peter was about to leave but he turned back.
“I think I left my cap in the backyard,” exclaimed Peter.
“Oh, you can go look together.”
So both of them went to the backyard. But as they stepped into the backyard they heard a loud sneeze.
“Achu!! Am I allergic to flowers?”
Both Peter and Milo were shell shocked. They couldn’t believe their ears. They both looked at each and then back at the source of the noise.
“Spotty you can talk!” They both shouted in unison.