Some love stories are meant to be incomplete. Some are not meant to begin.

Janani’s eyes stoned when she heard that name. Tears welled up, and her lips trembled. Her heart raced like it might explode.

To confirm, she asked, “I want to tell you a story about two best friends. Do you have time?” Faran agreed, and she began.

“Once upon a time, in a village, lived two best friends who shared a passion for football. The girl idolized Messi, while the boy loved Ronaldo. Every day, they’d argue over who was better. They attended the same school and played on the school football team. Their bond was unbreakable.”

Janani paused, collecting her thoughts.

“One day, she left him without a word. She and her family migrated to another place. She called him that day, but he didn’t answer. Later, she realized his idol, Ronaldo, had left Real Madrid on the same day, and she felt his pain.”

Janani’s voice trembled.

“The boy’s name was Faran, and the girl’s name was…”

Faran completed the sentence, “Janani.”

Janani burst into tears, unable to speak. Faran asked, confused, “What happened?”

Janani composed herself, “It’s me, Faran. It’s your Jenu. I couldn’t believe this. I couldn’t believe I’m calling you now.”

Faran’s voice shook, “Jenu, is that really you?”

Janani affirmed, “Yes, Faran, it’s me.”

Faran cried, overwhelmed with emotions. They spent hours catching up, sharing stories, and reliving memories.

Janani explained, “That day, my father came home and told us to pack everything in five minutes. We had to leave immediately. I tried to call you, but you didn’t answer. After we moved, Father destroyed our SIM cards, and I lost your number.”

Faran regretfully admitted, “I’m sorry I didn’t pick your call that day.”

Their conversation ended with a promise to meet. Faran believed it was destiny that brought them back together. Janani smiled, saying, “I think we’re meant to be each other, Faran.”

Faran chuckled, and Janani added, “I have something important to tell you, something I’ve held onto for so long.”

Faran suggested, “Let’s save it for when we meet in person.”

They decided to meet at a mall in Delhi on Friday evening. Both eagerly anticipated their reunion.

“Their story never had an ending because it never started to end, but the memories remain. It says it began without them noticing, and it ended without them knowing.”


(To be continued)