It’s the year 2020.
A woman stood alone in the ruins of what was Freck University. Surrounded by 12 people.
Or should I say… their cold motionless corspes.
She stood there playing her violin. Dancing to her tune. Replaying how she killed all of them.
Her sword in the ground. Stained with their blood. Hanging from the hilt was her wedding ring. With the letter G in it.
She danced around it as she played the violin gracefully. Her movements, sophisticated. Her eyes drifting off into the moment. Her smile, elegant. Her surroundings falling apart. She was always like this. She was always here. She was always waiting. She acted like she was a normal human but she was waiting for this moment.
And it was here.
The Tune Was Beautiful Juxtaposed With What It Actually Meant –
One thing was decided from the start.
This is the past,
This is the present,
This Is The Future.
One thing will be revealed at the end.
That is the past,
That is the present,
That Is The Future.
Nothing can stop it from happening.
It was there,
It is there,
It will be there.
It has happened
It is happening
It will happen.
Until it ends, only to begin.
The End.
Or maybe. It always ends like this.
I’ve tried to give the Freck University Of Everything and Nothing a chance at saving itself over a thousand times. This University has been stuck in time. The years 2000 to 2020 play on repeat.
And everytime, She kills them.
I don’t think Freck University will ever know peace.
I gave it a funny name.
The people had interesting names.
But in the end, that was the fate of this… story.
I tried telling Mohammad when he found the barrier around the world. I even told him who was going to be the one who’ll kill him and everyone else.
But he is so trusting. All of them are.
I made it so obvious.
But in the end, it’s always her.
The Violent Violin Villain.
But I guess I can’t do much.
I call myself Author -1, but not the story maker kind.
I don’t have the power to change the story.
I’m sorry Gus. I’m sorry everyone. But I can’t let this go on forever. I can’t see you all suffer over and over. Even when you yourself told me to find and stop her. I couldn’t.
I’m sorry.
I guess it’s time I ended the time loop.
The year is 2025. Freck University is no longer there. Only a bunch of ruins.
Looks like this is it.
The loop went on for 5 years. In that the story looped 20 times. And each time it met the same end.
I hope that the people who died in that loop, will find peace in the afterlife because they can never get that peace in the land of the living.
~ Author -1(pronounced Author Minus 1 or Author Negative 1. Whichever works.)
Author’s Note. Well the real Author. Should I call myself Author -2? Or does Author 0 work? Anyways let’s just get to the note.
Hello, Zaid here. Thank you for reading The Students Of Freck University. If you actually read all of it. So how this story came to be is anyone’s guess. But I got an idea one day, what if there was a slice of life story with a lot of drama and a dark ending. Actually I was kind of divided on the ending. Should I give it a happy ending or a dark ending? And you just need to read the story to know what ending I gave it. Which was pretty painful because I had come to love these characters. Knowing what I had planned for these characters. But in the end,
I had fun writing these characters and the story and I hope you enjoyed it.
Until next time, have a great day ahead.
~Zaid Zakir.